Large-Scale Estimation and Analysis of Web Users’ Mood from Web Search Query and Mobile Sensor Data
We developed models to estimate web users’ mood states from search-query and mobile sensor data, improving accuracy through a novel two-step approach and contributing to user-centric services. Deployed commercially, our analysis of over 11 million users led to a nationwide mood score, revealing mood fluctuations during the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact of significant news events. This also highlighted the influence of specific advertisements on users’ moods.
Investigating the Occurrence of Selfie‐based Emotional Contagion over Social Network
Research shows happiness can spread among people through “emotional contagion.” Our study investigates this phenomenon online, particularly through selfies on social media, with “SmileWave,” a system that detects smiles in selfies. Our findings from a two-week study with 38 participants indicate that viewing selfies can increase smile intensity by 15%, demonstrating emotional contagion through selfies.
SFC GO: 学生同士の繋がりを支援するオンライン体育授業 サポートシステム
COVID-19により、慶應義塾大学の2020年春の授業がオンライン化され、「体育1」を含む。迅速に開発された「SFC GO」は、スマートフォンのセンサーを使った運動記録や、投稿とコメントを通じた生徒間の社会的交流を可能にするオンライン体育支援システムである。2020年5月から7月にかけてのオンライン授業使用経験は、遠隔地でも学生の参加と身体活動を維持する技術の可能性を浮き彫りにした。
Due to COVID-19, Keio University’s 2020 spring term classes, including physical education, moved online. We quickly developed “SFC GO,” a support system for online physical education, leveraging smartphone sensors for recording and reflecting on physical activities and enabling social interaction among students through posts and comments. This system also captures daily activities outside of class. Insights from its use in online classes from May to July 2020 highlight the potential for technology to maintain engagement and physical activity among students remotely.